Robert Clark Chief Officer, Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, UK
María de la Cita Senior Policy Analyst, Fundación BIODIVERSIDAD, SPAIN
She joined the Biodiversity Foundation in 2017 as technical follow-up technician of the LIFE project "Integrated, Innovative and Participatory Management of the Natura 2000 Network in the marine environment". With more than 10 years of experience working in the environmental field, during the last 6 years he has coordinated and managed different projects at the Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Foundation.
Daniela Russi Senior Policy Analyst, Institute for European Environmental Policy, EU
Daniela joined IEEP in April 2012 and is based in IEEP’s London office. She deals with a wide range of topics related to Environmental and Ecological Economics, including Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), Ecosystem Accounting, the socio-economic benefits provided by Marine Protected Areas, wetlands and good water management and the related environmental policies. She graduated in Environmental Economics at the University of Siena, Italy, and obtained a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences/Ecological Economics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2007, with a thesis on integrated assessment of energy policies. She published various peer-reviewed papers in international journals and led or contributed to a number of books, reports and conference proceedings.
Gilberto Carreira Independent Researcher · Direcção Regional dos Assuntos do Mar, Direção de Serviços de Biodiversidade e Política do Mar, Direção Regional dos Assuntos do Mar, Secretaria Regional do Mar, Ciência e Tecnologia, Governo dos Açores.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Genetics
Sara Prados Sub-Directorate General for the Protection of the Sea. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Spain, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Spain
Alfredo López , CEMMA - Coordinadora para o Estudo dos Mamiferos Mariños